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joie de vivre 〔法語〕生活之歡樂,盡情享受生活之樂趣。


But bong has his own demon to fight . ever since the suicide of his pregnant girlfriend , he has lost his joie de vivre , even though he still retains the finest instincts of a man hunter . as he digs deeper and deeper into the case , all evidence seems to point to chau s daughter and hei s hysterical wife , susan 案情發展盡在劉正熙計算之中,但逍遙法外的他沒算過,周淑珍會因一個無謂的原因,對這案件產生懷疑沒有算過,淑珍找了丘建邦調查這案更沒算過,自己一直被一個神秘人監視。

Ever since the suicide of his pregnant girlfriend , he has lost his joie de vivre , even though he still retains the finest instincts of a man hunter . as he digs deeper and deeper into the case , all evidence seems to point to chau s daughter and hei s hysterical wife , susan . but then the killer ups the ante by murdering susan as well 當他們不小心墜入這個不可思議的城鎮后,千尋的父母因觸了規條而變成了豬,千尋更被判在溫泉旅館工作,甚至連自己的名字也被奪去,這就如都市人面對殘酷的社會法則一樣,感到無形的壓力及失去自我的恐怖。

Has always been proud of his nomadic romanian heart , filling his films with songs , dance and a palpable sense of joie de vivre 闊別家園四十多年,湯尼吉列夫( 22屆焦點導演)在一系列以吉卜賽為題的作品后終于讓靈性上路,首度踏足北非故土寫心靈的自傳。